dimanche 21 octobre 2012

lazyposse genesis

We decided to change the name of our github organisation

  • from "clojure-consulting" (ridiculous I know) 
  • to lazyposse (still ridiculous, but cooler).

New name, new logo!

Lets grab our tools...

My two first origamis

A rabbit

A scarab

How does this relate to computer programming?

I don't know how this relate to computer programming, except that in either case we start from an unlimited resource (bits or pieces of paper), and if done well, we can achieve something cool. 

samedi 20 octobre 2012

emacs-live + tmux: Yes we can!

emacs-live is gorgeous:

But under tmux it can look like this:

Let's fix it!

Note: I'm using Ubuntu Linux, if you're using another distro / OS, it may or may not work.

Does your terminal support 256 colors?

  • If it shows something like the following, you should be good (this is gnome-terminal):

Force tmux to 256 colors

  • In a terminal run tmux
  • And the 256colors2.pl script again:
  • I'm getting this:

  • If it's the case run tmux with the -2 option to force 256 colors:
tmux -2
  • After that:

Tell Emacs to use 256 colors

  • In the previousely setup tmux session, run Emacs in CLI mode: emacs -nw
  • Then M-x list-color-display
  • I'm getting:

  • We need to make Emacs aware of the 256 colors support
  • Exit Emacs
  • In the terminal:
export TERM=screen-256color
  • Run Emacs again, and M-x list-color-display
  • You're good if you get something like:

I want a really black background!

Things are better, but not perfect: Emacs have a grey-ish background instead of black.
  • In Emacs: M-x list-color-display:

  • Note the name of the black color, for me here it's color-16
  • Eval the following to get a black background: M-:
(set-face-background 'default "color-16")
  • You should have:

Finally ^_^

Date: 2012-10-20 18:23:37 CEST
Author: denis
Org version 7.8.09 with Emacs version 24
Validate XHTML 1.0
